A great honour for the Maltese Community Council of NSW to receive His Excellency Dr. George Vella, the Honorable Minister Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi and his wife, Sylvana accompanied by the Malta High Commissioner to Australia, Mario Farrugia Borg and Consul General of Malta in NSW, Lawrence Buhagiar, at our Headquarters in Parramatta West.
George Vella
Infaħħar ix-xogħol li jwettaq il-Kunsill Malti ta’ New South Wales. Imwaqqfa fl-1967, din l-organizzazzjoni bla skop ta’ qligħ tipprovdi appoġġ soċjali, kulturali u rikreattiv u assistenza soċjali lill-komunità Maltija f’NSW.
I commend the work of the Maltese Community Council of NSW. Established in 1967, this non-profit organisation provides social, cultural, recreational, and welfare support to the Maltese community in New South Wales.