• Saret laggha importanti fis-sala tal-knisja ta’ OLQOP ta’Greystanes meta i-Grupp tal-Anzjani tal-lokalita
    ingħaqdu mal-Maltese Welfare ħalli jisimgħu lil Marie Louise Muscat, il-financial adviser tal-Fiducian Financial
    Services tispjega l-aħħar tibdil li sar filpensjonijiet u s-superannuation.Dawn il-laqgħat dejjem jiġbdu lejhom
    attendenzi kbar għax jolqtu fil-laħam il-
    ħaj ta’ kull pensjonat. Għalkemm is-suġ-
    ġett hu xi ftit ikkumplikat iżda s-sinjura
    Muscat taf tispjega sewwa u titkellem
    ma’ dawk li jattendu bil-Malti.
    Il-grupp ta’ Greystanes jiltqa’ kull tieni
    Tnejn tax-xahar fis-sala San Gorg Preca
    bejn l-10 a.m. u nofsinhar. Għal aktar
    tagħrif ċempel 0414 863 123.


  • The Voice of the Maltese No. 190 (1)


  • On Wednesday, 8th March, the Maltese Welfare (NSW) Incorporated held its annual Quiet Achievers – Night of Recognition, as part of Seniors Week NSW. In front of a full hall at the auditorium of the Annunciation Hall at St Dominic’s Home for the Elderly, Blacktown NSW, Twelve  Maltese individuals were awarded a Certificate of Recognition for the volunteering work they perform, and have been performing, right through the years. The help they provide, gratis, is not done exclusively among the Maltese community only, but spread among all the community. Proceedings began on the stroke of 7.30 pm with the MC Nathalie Gatt welcoming everyone and then proceeded to ask everyone to be upstanding for the Advance Australia Fair and l-Innu Malti. Maltese Welfare’s President, Lawrence Dimech was next to take the podium to welcome the distinguished guests and the awardees for the special evening. This year for the first time two special awards were  given to  John Beal and Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day Group. He reminded everyone of the importance of volunteering and encouraged the younger generation to continue the sterling work, that the persons who are being given recognition on the evening, have done by contributing their share to society in helping others less fortunate. Entertainer Grace Camilleri  kept the audience spellbound with her rendition of various beautiful Maltese and English melodies. Doris Grima,and Frances Montesin in English and in Maltese respectively, introduced the persons being given recognition to the audience and asked them to come on stage to receive their certificates from Julia Finn MP. Marlene Dimech presented Sr Georgina with a bouquet of flowers as token of appreciation for the help the Maltese Welfare receives each year during the organising of the QA event. Also attending for this prestigious event were hon Alan Cadman MP, Marie Louise Muscat from Fiducian Financial Service, and the President of the Maltese Community Council of NSW, together with many representatives of Maltese organisations in NSW. The President of the Maltese Welfare ( NSW) Inc. Mr Lawrence Dimech OAM MOM JP  ended the proceedings on the podium with a speech where he praised the Maltese Welfare for the work that it does for the benefit of the Maltese community and also thanked the recipients of the award for the good work they perform throughout the year. The evening concluded with light refreshment where everyone intermingled. Photos of the event.This is the 17th year that the Maltese Welfare (NSW) Inc. had organised this event.

    It highlights the quiet achievement of a number of Maltese within our community in NSW

    Congratulations to all recipients



  • IMG_2436
    Mr. Lawrence Dimech,  during his opening speech.

    Another successful night for the QA16

    The importance of volunteering was paramount in the minds of the organisers when they presented the 16th Annual Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition at the Annunciation Hall situated at St Dominic’s Age Care Facility in Blacktown NSW.

    Eleven more persons from across NSW were honoured for their contribution to the general community as volunteers.  To receive this much treasured award you have to be over 60 years old, not having been honoured before by Government instrumentalities and a resident of NSW.

    Lawrence Dimech, the President of The Maltese Welfare (NSW)  while praising governments for their assistance to aged and persons with lifelong disability said certain initiatives fall short and may not be culturally specific enough therefore, some duty of care becomes part of our responsibility.  He made a strong appeal for more volunteers saying “We can make a contribution to lessen the suffering of others; making a contribution and making a difference, they should be linked.  It is something that everyone can do in their own life”.

    Assoc Professor Stephen Gatt, the Chairman of the Board of St Dominic’s spoke highly of the contribution of Maltese Welfare to the Maltese community while remembering that when he migrated to Sydney he was the recipient of valuable assistance that was important in a new land for all this family. On behalf of Maltese Welfare he also presented to each and every person honoured on the night with a framed inscription as a memento.

    Sister Giorgina Sultana, the superior at St Domenic’s was thanked for her assistance and presented with a bouquet of flowers.

    Amongst those honoured was Vittoria Teuma a 90th years old Gozitan that was described as a shining example of perseverance in hardship and resilience, typical of her generation. The others were Josephine Bugeja from Girraween, Felicity Gravina from Kings Langley, Antoinette Mangion from Blacktown, Mary Rose Muscat from Seven Hills, Mary D. Pocock from Kellyville, Liliana Taliana and Edward Vella from Greystanes, Jane Vella from Wentworthville, George Zahra from Glenwood and Jerry J Zarb from Bateau Bay.

    Marlene Dimech & Frances Montesin explained to the audience both in English and Maltese why each person was nominated. Nathalie Gatt was the MC reminding all that this annual event is made possible by the assistance received from the Fiducian Financial Service..

    The first part of this celebration was taken up by a very entertaining performance by the Choir of the Maltese Cultural Association under the direction of Marisa Previtera singing popular Maltese and English song, very much appreciated by all.

    The Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition has now been established as one of the highlights of the crowded calendar of events organized by the Maltese comm

    Mrs. Doris Pocock Receiving her QA award from Assoc,Prof. Stephen Gatt
    Mrs. Lilian Taliana another QA awarder
    Maltese Welfare Committee 2016 Back:Lawrence Gatt, Lino Vella, Emanuel Camilleri Sitting: Natalie Gatt, Marline Dimech, Lawrence Dimech, Frances Montesin, Doris Grima, Rita Kassas
    Maltese Cultural Choir
    Quiet Achiever Award Recipients



  • IMG_9264Tibdiliet fil-Pensjoni, il-Kura tal- Anzjani u s-SuperannuationIMG_9254 IMG_9253 IMG_9252 IMG_9251 IMG_9250 IMG_9248 IMG_9247 IMG_9246 Another very successful presentation by Marie Louise Muscat from Fiducian Financial Services on Changes to Age Pension, Aged Care and Superannuation: How will they affect you?:

    Part of Maltese Welfare contribution to the community.

    Marie Louise Muscat Presenting another year of sponsorship to President Lawrence Dimech

    With Nathalie Gatt Vice president of Maltese Welfare NSW  after the presentation.

    Marie Louise Muscat lecturing  Changes to Age Pension, Aged Care and Superannuation:


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  • The Committee of, Maltese Welfare NSW  invite applicants to join this well established organisation.


    Do you have some spare time or perhaps you have just retired and wish to join a Maltese association on a voluntary basis?  The Maltese Welfare (NSW) is a small association but has a very important role in the community.  It has been established in 1977 and organises seminars and information nights.  Once ayearit also organises the Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition when Maltese seniors are honoured and recognised for their  voluntary work.  Membersof this associationmeet once a month.

    For more information please ring the Secretary Emanuel Camilleri on 0409 744 376






    Moghtija gharfien annwali fil-qasam tal-volontarjat


    F’dan ir-ritratt jidhru dawk li gew onorati (qed izommu c-certifikati) flimkien mal-mistednin specjali f’ritratt ta’ tifkira ghall-okazzjoni tal-Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition 2015 li sart fl-Annunciation Hall – St Dominic’s Blacktown f’Seniors’ Week ta’ NSW
    Fuq quddiem mix-xellug: Sister Giorgina Sultana, Joe Vella, Catherine Vella, Charles Scicluna, Christine Sapienza, Doris Meilak.
    Fit-tieni ringila bil-wieqfa: Charles Zarb, Lycia Manche’, Josephine Grima, Antonia Fenech, Emanuel Debono, Ronnie Borg, Frank u Marlne Baldacchino, Marie Louis Muscat.
    Fit-tielet ringila: Clr Greg Cummings, Clr Lisa Lane, John Robertson MP, Martin Todorovitch,  Lawrence Dimech
    Fuq nett:  Prof Stephen Gatt, Andrew Rohan MP u Emanuel Camilleri.


    Issir kull sena, izda l-organizzaturi dejjem isibu metodu kif dan l-avveniment jigi pprezentat b’mod professjonali u differenti.

    Quddiem sala ppakkjata bin-nies, il-Maltese Welfare (NSW) ipprezentaw il-Quiet Achievers – Night of Recognition li dis-sena kienet il-15-il darba. 13-il persuna ta’ nisel Malti gew onorati ghax-xoghol li wettqu fil-qasam tal-voluntarjat fl-isferi differenti tal-komunita’ generali.

    Dan huwa wiehed mill-avveniment li jsiru waqt NSW Seniors’ Week li dis-sena kellha bhal tema taghha “Be Inspired”.  Certament dawk li rcevew c-certifikat tal-gharfien bix-xoghol u l-ezempju taghha jispiraw lil dawk ta’ madwarhom.

    Kif qal sewwa l-President tal-Maltese Welfare (NSW), Lawrence Dimech “is-sodisfazzjoni ta’ min jaghmel xoghol voluntarju ma jigix mill-flus jew mis-successi persunali, izda mill-fatt li dawn qeghdin jikkontribwixxu biex titjieb il-kalita’ tal-hajja tan-nies.  Dan hu l-akbar valur tax-xoghol voluntarju”.

    Dawk li hadu l-unuri kienu: Frank u Marlene Baldacchino minn Pemulwuy, Ronnie Borg minn Old Toongabbie, Emanuel Debono minn Gwandalan,  Antonia Fenech minn Umina Beach, Josephine Grima minn Horsley Park, Lycia Manche minn Fairfield Heights, Doris Meilak minn Greystanes,  Christine Sapienza minn Moorbank, Charles Scicluna minn Gorokan, Catherine Vella minn  Russell Lea, Joe Vella minn Blacktown u Charles Zarb minn Greystanes

    Ghal din il-lejla li saret fl-Annunciation Hall tad-Dar tal-Anzjani San Duminku fi Blacktown attendew, barra r-resident tad-dar, Sister Giorgina Sultana u s-sorijiet l-ohra, ic-cerman tal-board tad-diretturi, l-Assoc:Prof Stephen Gatt, ic-CEO l-gdid Martin Todorovitch kif ukoll l-Membri tal-Parlament Statali, John Robertson (Blacktown) u Andrew Rohan (Smithfield), is-Sindku ta’ Holroyd Greg Cummings u s-sinjura tieghu, il-Kunsilliera Lisa Lake u Marie Louis Muscat mill-Fiducian Financial Services li sponserjaw din il-lejla u zewgha Frank.

    Bhala sezzjoni muzikali kien hemm il-popolari Joe Apap li tassew ferrah u nissel nostalgija bl-ghazla muzikali tieghu.

    Il-prezentazzjoni tac-certifikati saru miin John Robertson MP u Andrew Rohan MP waqt li dan tal-ahhar ghamel ukoll id-diskors tal-gheluq.  Frances Montesin u Doris Grima kienu l-qarreja waqt li Nathalie Gatt kienet l-MC. Lawrence Gatt kien il-ko-ordinatur tal-lejla.  Il-Maltese Welfare haqqhom prosit ta’ prezentazzjoni ohra li ghamlitina l-unur.


    Dan hu r-ritratt tal-kumitat 2015 tal-Maltese Welfare (NSW) Inc.
    Quddiem mix-xellug. Frances Montesin, Rita Kassas, Marlene u Lawrence Dimech, Doris Grima, Nathalie Gatt, Maria DeCarlo.
    Fuq: Mix-xellug Charles Micallef, Lino Vella, Lawrence Gatt, Mark Caruana, Emanuel Camilleri.

    DSCN2910 DSCN2911DSCN2907DSCN2905DSCN2917DSCN2915DSCN2923DSCN2925 DSCN2926DSCN2930DSCN2932DSCN2933DSCN2935QA4QA3DSCN2959DSCN2981DSCN2993DSCN3045 DSCN2948DSCN3021DSCN3022DSCN3024DSCN3038 DSCN3040 Photographs by: Rita Kassas

    Another successful Quiet Archivers Award Night of Recognition 2015

    Thank you to all participants and Committee.




  • The Maltese Welfare  NSW  Inc,  held  an information night, about Changes to Centrelink, Tax, Pension and Age Care.  on Wednesday 26th November 2014 at 7.30pm at Our Lady Queen of Peace church, San Gorge Preca Hall,  Prospect Rd, Greystanes. A big number of community members found this topic of great importance. It was good to see the hall packed with people eager to hear Mrs.Marie-Louise Muscat , Certified Financial Planner,advising about Changes to Centrelink, Tax, Pension and Age Care.

    Changes to Centrelink,Tax, aged Care Nov 2014 001   Changes to Centrelink,Tax, aged Care Nov 2014 004   Mr.Lawrence Dimech addressing the assembly.  Changes to Centrelink,Tax, aged Care Nov 2014 008  Changes to Centrelink,Tax, aged Care Nov 2014 011 Mrs.Marie-Louise Muscat.

    Changes to Centrelink,Tax, aged Care Nov 2014 023 Mrs. Nathalie Gatt Vice President of the Maltese Welfare NSW. Presenting a basket of goodies to Mrs. Marie-Louise Muscat.






    Wahda mil-iktar sessjonijiet interessanti li qatt organizzaw l-Maltese Welfare (NSW) kienet meta, bhala mistieden kien hemn il-psikologu Anthony Sciberras li tkellem dwar l-istrett, kemm dak fiziku u kemm mentali suggett li jolqot lil kulhadd. Spjega sewwa kif l-ahjar li naffrontaw dawn t-tensjonijiet u rnexxilu wkoll jistimola u jdahhal lil dawk prezenti li mlew is-sala fid-diskussjoni.

    Il-psikologu Sciberras twieled l-Awstralja minn geneturi Maltin.  Missieru kien jilghab il-futball mal-Hamrun Spartans.

    Din kienet wahda mis-sensila ta’ lejliet ta’ Informazzjoni li jorganizzaw l-Maltese Welfare (NSW) li ghalihom dejjem ikun hemm sala mimlija

    Coping with Stress 005 Coping with Stress 013 Coping with Stress 004

    Coping with Stress 22nd Oct 2014 004    Nathalie Gatt tipprezenta rigal lill-psikolugu Anthony Sciberras.

    Coping with Stress 003    Fl-istess lejla Marie Louise Musacat mill-Fiducian Financial Services ipprezentat kontribuzzjoni siwja f’forma ta’ sponsorship biex dawn il-lejliet ta’ nformazzjoni jkomplu jsiru fuq bazi regulari.  Fir-ritratt jidher il-President, Lawrence Dimech jircievi c-cekk minn ghand Marie-Louis Muscat.
